Granite is an igneous rock that forms when magma cools and solidifies deep within the Earth's crust. It's made up of mostly quartz and feldspar, with other minerals like mica and hornblende.
Colors It Comes In - White, Pink, Grey and Black
Fracture - Irregular
Shape - Granite rock typically forms in large, irregular masses with no defined shape​
Luster - Ranges from dull to grainy with sporadic parts pearly and vitreous
Texture - Phaneritic
Streak - White
Locality - Brazil, Spain, Norway, Egypt, India, and Africa, with the United States and Canada
Where They Can Be Found - Granite rocks can be found all over the world, with large outcroppings in regions like North America, South America, Australia, Brazil, India, China, and Europe, particularly in mountainous areas near past or active plate boundaries; major granite quarries are located in countries like also having significant granite deposits.
Hardness On The Mohs Scale - 6 To 8 Out Of 10