Galena is a natural mineral form of lead.
Colors It Comes In - Typically lead gray in color, but it can also appear blueish grey or dark gray to black when weathered.
Fracture Pattern - Subconchoidal
Shape - Cubic
Luster - Metallic
Texture - Metal like
Streak - Lead gray
Locality -
United States: The largest known deposit of galena in the United States is in the Lead Belt of southeastern Missouri. Other deposits are found in the Driftless Area of Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin. Galena mining was also important in the Joplin-Granby area of Southwest Missouri.
Mexico: Large deposits of galena can be found as replacements of limestone or dolomite in Santa Eulalia, Mexico.
Australia: Galena can be found in metalliferous veins at Broken Hill, Australia.
Germany: Galena can be found in Clausthal Zellerfeld, Germany.
England: Galena can be found in Cornwall, England.
Idaho: Galena can be found in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, U.S.
California: Galena can be found in Darwin, California, which has contact-metamorphic deposits.
Where It Can Be Found - It can be found with sphalerite and chalcopyrite in massive sulfide deposits associated with meta-volcanic rocks, such as the Crandon deposit near Rhinelander.
Hardness On The Mohs Scale - 2.5 Out Of 10