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Crystal Vug
A vug, vugh, or vugg is a small to medium sized cavity inside rock. It may be formed through a variety of processes. Most commonly, cracks and fissures opened by tectonic activity (folding and faulting) are partially filled by quartz, calcite, and other secondary minerals.
Colors They Come In - Most commonly the color of the base rock is.
Fracture - Conchoidal to Uneven
Classic Characteristic - Sparkly
Texture - Crystals are Vitreous (glass-like) and feel like bumpy glass.
Streak - White
Locality - Around water, particularly flowing water.
Where They Can Be Found - They are found in all forms of rock: Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary.
Hardness On The Mohs Scale - 7 Out Of 10.
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