Cerussite is a mineral that occurs in compact granular masses, fibrous forms, and sometimes in transparent to translucent crystals. Cerussite is a lead carbonate. It is an important ore and common secondary mineral of lead. It is formed by the chemical action of carbonated water on the mineral galena.
Colors It Comes In - Colorless, White, Gray, pale Yellow, Blue, or Green
Fracture - Conchoidal
Shape - Prismatic or Tabular habit, with elongated or flattened crystals
Luster - Adamantine, Vitreous, Resinous, Submetallic, Pearly
Texture - Glass like to waxy
Streak - White
Locality - Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Scotland, England, France, Italy, Russia, Tunisia, Morocco, Namibia, Iran, Australia, and the United States.
Where It Can Be Found - In oxidized lead deposits where it can, on occasion, be an important ore.
Hardness On The Mohs Scale - 3 To 3.5 Out Of 10